20 years of ipbrick in a green background

20 years of IPBRICK

5 May, 2020 News

On the 5th of May, IPBRICK celebrates 20 years. 20 years ago we began our journey in the world of Open Source corporate solutions. Since then, many were the challenges that we set for ourselves, being the creation of IPBRICK…

person working with a laptop with the message of Ipbrick important information and the symbol for danger

IPBRICK enables contingency plan in response to Covid-19

13 March, 2020 News

In the aftermath of the most recent events related to the New Corona Virus (Covid-19) pandemic and the decision of the Portuguese Government to declare alert state in the whole country, IPBRICK decided to enable phase II of its Contingency…

two men and a lady smiling at the monitor with the message Automated processes are fulfilled with greater speed and accuracy

Automation of work Processes with iPortalDoc

5 March, 2020 News

Put an end to the execution of manual tasks that increase the margin of error and decrease efficiency. The automation of processes (Commercial, Financial, Human Resources and many others), through the usage of a Document and Process Management solution, such…

Document management

On the 5th of May, IPBRICK is celebrating its 19th anniversary

3 May, 2019 News

Marking another anniversary means talking about another year of hard work, dedication and other achievements. Last year was a year of change. A conscious change, carried out with the purpose of making the best to keep up with the expectations…

Document management software

The deadline to schedule your vacations is ending

21 March, 2019 News

Schedule your vacations through the form available in iPortalDoc! After filling the form with the desired days, that information is forwarded for approval to your superior. The responsible for the approval of the vacations is notified and must approve them…

Document management system

500 employees of the Intergraph Multinational use IPBRICK

14 February, 2019 News

"For the client Intergraph, IPBRICK "offers" an accessible VoIP solution, that doesn't require you to be a specialist in Linux or Asterisk to manage it, without any hidden licensing costs and with an excellent support". THE CLIENT With over 50…

Business process management

Águas do Norte implements new processes in iPortalDoc

15 January, 2019 News

iPortalDoc is already running in Águas do Norte, S.A. Águas do Norte, a Portuguese company that is part of Grupo Águas de Portugal (Águas de Portugal Group), is responsible for the exploitation of the multi-municipal water supply and sanitation system…

Archive manager

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year full of good businesses!

21 December, 2018 News


Workflow software

Digital Transformation, is your company ready for this challenge?

3 December, 2018 News

Digital transformation represents a unique opportunity for companies to transform their business, reducing costs, being more efficient in the management of their processes and, therefore, more competitive in the market. If you don’t want to “lose this train” and you…

Private Cloud

Eight parish councils of Algarve choose iPortalDoc

31 October, 2018 News

PARISH COUNCILS CHOICES THE IPORTALDOC TO MANAGE PROCESSES. Considered as one of the most important touristic regions of Portugal and Europe, Algarve is known by its Mediterranean temperate climate, mild and short Winters, and long, hot and dry Summers. Tepid and…

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