The implementation of a Document and Process Management System is nowadays essential to the good functioning of a company. This Document Management System allows to manage information in a structured and centralized way, avoiding losses of time and information.
The process of circulation of external or internal documents as well as information processing, are time-consuming and prone to errors. Those errors, which can now be prevented by this new Document Management System, often result in the loss of documents and, therefore, in the inefficiency of the processes.
The implementation of this Document and Process Management system, iPortalDoc, is going to eliminate those difficulties and bring huge advantages to companies. The Document Management System, iPortalDoc, allows to insert documents or trigger a workflow just by the sending of an email, associate documents between themselves or to emails, forward one or several documents, link them in different folders or consult associated documents.
Companies that invest in a Document Management solution have their return on investment in a very short amount of time, not only thanks to the decrease in the large amount of paper used but also by the increase of productivity gains resulting from a higher efficiency in the Document and Process Management.