iPortalDoc provides a set of features, as a Document and Process Management solution, settled in the management of work processes with workflows, crucial to the proper functioning of organizations.

The access to the system is made via web browser, regardless of the physical location of the user. The authentication is made in an authentication server, through a login and password (authentication servers: LDAP, Windows Active Directory or with resource to federated authentication – Shibboleth).

The access to documents or processes is controlled through a concept of user permissions, allowing the management by groups, functional groups, employment positions and profiles. This concept ensures that the employees (users) only access to documents in accordance with their level of permission.

iPortalDoc provides several types of profiles, which determine reading and writing accesses to documents. The permissions to access each document can also be determined by the process (workflow) that it follows and by the type of actions that the participants execute during that process.

Through the Chronological Scheme feature, it is possible to know all the stages through which the document has passed and its involved participants.

Access iPortalDoc
regardless of your location

In the hierarchy of documents of iPortalDoc, a user can have different levels of permission, or no permission at all, in certain folders or documents/processes of the hierarchy.

In the Document and Process Management system, iPortalDoc, it is possible to register any content of the company, regardless of being a paper document, a file or even an e-mail, and keep these documents associated to the correspondent process/dossier as well as available for consultation at any moment, according to the permissions of each user.

The application allows to consult and manage the permissions, types of document, workflows and macros that are assigned to each user, by folder, type of profile, group, etc.

The application provides a record on the activity of parametrization of users, which allows the administrator of the application to extract information concerning modifications; for example, a user that was part of a certain group and that now is part of another.

iPortalDoc allows corporate groups to manage the information of their several companies in a single system.


The “usage log” feature allows to analyze who has accessed, from where (IP) and when, which action has executed or what has changed in a certain document. This features also allows to analyze who searched for a certain document.

iPortalDoc, as a Document and Process Management solution, allows to digitize documents, individually or in batches, directly to a workflow. For example, if you wish to digitize your correspondence you can do it directly to a previously configured workflow (correspondence@iportaldoc.en) and the documents immediately follow their respective workflow. The same happens with any other process of the company. Documents can also be directly sent from the e-mail to a workflow.

Even after the classification of a document, in the Document and Process Management system, iPortalDoc, it is possible to edit its register and complete it with additional information. The association of new documents is always possible, even after a process has ended.

iPortalDoc allows you to manage documents’ editions, keeping the access to previous versions, for consultation. It also ensures that whenever you access a document, you are accessing its most updated version.
Considering the permissions assigned to users, they might view the most updated and approved version of a document and not be able to see the “edition” versions.
This feature is particularly relevant for processes related with the Quality Management System (QMS).

In the case of internal documents, or issue documents, Templates are generally provided and managed in the Document Management, ensuring the standardization of the types of documents and of the own communication and image of the company.

iPortalDoc provides its own form manager, which allows the administrator of the application to create forms typologies and determine the fields for each type of form. These fields can be text, numerical, date, multiple choice, “combo box”, table and others.
These forms work as a regular document, they have a register number associated and can integrate an ad hoc circulation or a workflow.

The e-mails are automatically inserted in the Document and Process Management and classified by the system. The e-mails are all stored in their original format, including the files in attachment.
It is also possible to use the dbdocmails module, that works as an e-mail client embedded in iPortalDoc, to answer to e-mails.
In addition, it is possible to configure rules for the automatic processing of e-mails, according to the sender or key words, to automatically classify e-mails or trigger a workflow.

The Document and Process Management system, iPortalDoc, helps to automate and standardize business processes.
Possible actions include the circulation of documents to one or more participants, with mandatory, or not, answer, the conclusion of a task, the filling of fields, the request of association of a document/dossier, the creation of documents based on templates, the definition of deadlines for answers or the interaction with other systems, namely with ERPs, through Web Services.
Workflows are controlled through the acceptance, rejection or conclusion of a certain action by a user, thus determining the next step and to whom it must be sent.
To each workflow, an alert e-mail is generated, which allows the user to access the action through a link.
Every time a certain process is not set in the system, there’s the possibility to circulate documents through adhoc actions, i.e. the user decides to whom he wishes to send the document in that moment.

Concerning the search of documents or processes, iPortalDoc provides different ways to perform a search. A quick search or an advanced search, which allows to combine several criteria to find a document/process.

The management of the entities database is performed in IPBRICK.CONTACTS, which is integrated with iPortalDoc.

To capture and index large volumes of documents, it is possible to create automatisms for automatic index through the reading of code bars.
The goal is to make possible the reading of the text of a document, through the OCR module, in order to retrieve the information for its classification and proceed to the insertion in its correspondent folder in iPortalDoc.

The Document and Process Management, iPortalDoc, allows the usage of digital signatures, both simple or through digital certificates (X.509), such as the digital certificate of the citizen’s card. This way, it ensures the authenticity of the documents and users.

The Document and Process Management already brings a set of reports, which allow the administrators of the application to retrieve a set of system indicators.
These indicators concern documents, processes, circulations, workflows, tasks, among others.
The retrieved data may be parametrized based on attributes which are already available and grouped according to specific criteria.

If you already use the Document and Process Management system, iPortalDoc, at your company, you can also use the APP available for IOS and Android.

iPortalDoc provides an external portal, iPortalDoc Light, that allows clients, suppliers or partners to access to different areas, through a login and password, and to perform a set of operations, such as insert documents or consult the stage of a certain document or process.

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