Automation of work processes

with iportaldoc

The Automation of processes, through the usage of a Document Management solution, such as iPortalDoc, consists in the replacement of manual tasks for automated tasks, by using workflows or ad-hoc forwarding. This automation of processes not only allows to transform the information in paper format into structured and more efficient digital processes but also ensures the decreasing of the margin of error in the handling of those processes.

The more automated and structured a process is, following pre-determined stages, the smaller is the margin of error and, as a consequence, the bigger is the efficiency of the process itself. This happens because, in solutions where the automation of processes is a reality, it is the system itself that determines the stages through which the process must go, and thereby prevents users from executing the same process in different ways.

The automation of processes, through a Document Management solution, ensures complete visibility over all stages of the process: associated documents/emails, the participants in the process, different document editions, stages through which the process went through, executed or pending actions. All the information related to this process automation is registered and easily accessible in the system. There is no margin for irregularities or lapses, since it is the system itself that notifies users of the tasks that must be executed or of an already executed task (when there are several participants in the same process).


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Automated, designed and standardized processes for the reality of companies are fulfilled with greater speed and accuracy

Manual tasks increase margin of error and decrease efficiency

iPortalDoc already comes with 10 automated processes with workflows (Financial, Commercial, Human Resources, Quality, Marketing, Technical, Legal, Correspondence, Administration and Email Archiving processes).

Currently, the automation of processes is increasingly understood by companies as a need in practically almost all business contexts. That is because it prevents a department from depending on the sharing of information from another department, allows the consultation of data in a simple and centralized way, avoids communication failures that frequently occur in manual processes and, most of all, offers managers a wider view of the business. A streamlined and documented process facilitates a constant review and enhances the process itself.

With the automation of processes, in iPortalDoc, the access to information is easier, the communication is favored and, most of all, it simplifies the execution of daily tasks, which are susceptible to mistakes.

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